We have two ways you can add your property to our website
- 1 Free Listing your property will be listed with all the other propertys.
- 2 Featured Listing your property will be listed on our Featured property page for £19.99 a year. Featured Listings tend to receive more Views.
You can now login to create and update your price and availability list for 2021 as well as 2022 as enquiries are coming in thick and fast.
Following the relaxation of lockdown, people are desparate to go away and are looking for availability. However, we have noticed that many owners have not populated their price and availability list, which means their webpage will not be found in such a search, resuliting in the possible loss of bookings.
Important: Please also remember the importance of checking your e-mails at least once a day as we are received many comments from browsers advising that they are receiving no response from owners. Even if you are booked, out of courtesy, please just let the enquirer know.
Facebook Page
Are you aware that we have a Facebook page? We are currently inundated with enquiries from potential customers looking for a last minute break, but owners don’t appear to be responding, which could result in them losing a booking. Please remember that any posts from owners or potential customers do not go on the main page, they appear on the visitors’ posts.
Remember: If you are unable to help someone, refer them to Others – you may be desperate to book a deal out yourself one day and grateful of any help!!
Never accept payment that is for more than you require (a sure sign of a scam) as you will be asked to forward the change, and then find out that their payment has bounced – leaving you considerably out of pocket.
Never accept payment from a third party (another sign of a scam) e.g. My business partner/bank manager/head office will make the payment.
Remember: If in doubt – throw it out!
If you are still worried, I am always happy to take a look at the enquiry for you – just send me the details.
More information on scam emails can be found here: www.actionfraud.org.uk
Keeping your page up to date
It’s now time to start thinking about the 2021 season – although many of you have already started taking bookings!
Please take this opportunity to ensure your webpage is completely up to date. It is important for your prospective customers that any offers you have on your webpage are removed when no longer relevant.
Unfortunately we cannot possibly keep check on when your offers run out, so it is up to you to let us know. Don’t forget, you can update your webpage as many times as you wish throughout your advertising period – all you have to do is send us an e-mail and we will do the rest for you.
Price & Availability Lists
Owners who already have a price list on their webpage have found it invaluable as it not only reduces the amount of enquiries just looking for prices but also the repeat enquiries for the same week.
You can now create and update your own price and availability list for the 2021 season.
A great many users of the website will not bother contacting an owner if their list is blank.
Amendment requests
You may make as many updates and amendments to your webpage as you wish throughout your advertising period.
Important: It is essential that when you request amendments to your webpage you not only include your property reference number (ID) but you also send your request from the e-mail address we forward your enquiries to. This is for obvious security purposes.
Your E-mail Enquiries
It has been brought to our attention by many potential holidaymakers that despite sending genuine enquiries via individual webpages, some owners do not bother replying.
It is important for your own reputation that you reply to all enquiries, regardless of whether or not your property is available on the requested dates. It is just common courtesy, after all.
If you have no availability on this occasion, simply ignoring the enquiry will almost certainly result in this particular enquirer not bothering to contact you for future availability – why would they if you don’t bother replying?
For the integrity of our website it is vitally important that any complaints are kept to a minimum.
We have therefore imposed a ‘three strikes’ rule. In effect, what this means is that if any one owner receives more than two complaints, their webpage will be removed from our website and any monies paid will be non-refundable.